Palacio Barolo, Buenos Aires

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Palacio Barolo

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Palacio Barolo is a 22 floor office building, located in Avenida de Mayo, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Italian architect Mario Palanti was commisioned by Luis Barolo, an Italian immigrant who had made a fortune in knitted fabrics, to build this palace. The basic design was conceived simulultaneosly with one for the Palacio Salvo in Montevideo, Uruguay. There are indications that the Palacio Barolo was designed in accordance with the cosmology of Dante's Divine Comedy, motivated by the architect's admiration for Alighieri. The owner planned to use only 3 floors, and to rent the rest. It has a lamp with 3000 bujias, in working conditions.

When completed in 1923 it was the tallest building, not only in the city, but also in the whole of South America. It remained the city's tallest building until 1936 when, on completion, the Kavanagh Building took over this title.

In 1997 this building was declared an historic monument of Argentina.


Mimi Bohm, Buenos Aires, Art Nouveau, Ediciones Xavier Verstraeten, Buenos Aires, 2005.

Gesamtbewertung Palacio Barolo

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Palacio Barolo Stadtplan

Stadtplan Palacio Barolo Buenos Aires

Im Moment gefragte Unterkünfte

Azcuenaga 1968, 1128 Buenos Aires
Esmeralda 1366, C1007ABT Buenos Aires
EZ ab 78 €, DZ ab 78 €
Av. Callao 1062, 1023 Buenos Aires
Thames, 2226, C1425FIF Buenos Aires
EZ ab 68 €, DZ ab 68 €

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Diese Hotels befinden sich in der Nähe von Palacio Barolo und weiteren Sehenswürdigkeiten wie Argentinischer Nationalkongress, Obelisk von Buenos Aires, Teatro Colón. Zusätzlich findet man Suche nach Unterkünften insgesamt 594 weitere Hotelangebote. Jede Buchung inkl. kostenlosem PDF-Reiseführer als E-Book.

1385 Hostel

Av. de Mayo 1385 28m bis Palacio Barolo

Hostel Estoril

Av. De Mayo 1385, 1 piso 40m bis Palacio Barolo

Gran Hotel Vedra 2*

Av.De Mayo 1350 43m bis Palacio Barolo

Hotel Mundial 2* TOP

Av. de Mayo 1298 110m bis Palacio Barolo

Hotel Chile 2*

Av. De Mayo 1297 120m bis Palacio Barolo

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